Physical Exercise Is a Important Task | Physical Trainers & Coaches With Our Students

#DoonDefenceAcademy #SandeepSirDDA #NDA2023 #CDSE MASS PT CONDUCTED AT SANDEEP SIR’S DOON DEFENCE ACADEMY On 27th May 2023, the Mass PT was conducted for all the students including the students from Sandeep Sir’s Doon Defence Academy and Pratham Pag students from 6 am to 7 pm to be able to relish the fresh morning air while doing the physical exercise. The main objective of conducting the Mass PT drill was to create awareness among the students for their health and to make them fit and sturdy enough to pass and qualify for the SSB interview round. Only those students who are physically fit and healthy can qualify for the SSB interview round. The Mass PT conducted in the DDA premises was to let the students realize the fact that their health was equally important as their academic part for the purpose of selection. The Physical trainers who supervised the Mass PT drill were Mr. Mahavir Singh who deals with boys, Mr. Tarun who looks after the Pratham Pag students and helps them to exercise, and Manju Maam who looks after the DDA girls to practice physical exercise. The students enthusiastically performed various physical exercises while maintaining uniformity and decorum and their unanimous performance impressed the onlookers including the Director and DDA faculty members. It was indeed an appreciable Mass performance by all the DDA students who did the Mass PT along with their Pratham Pag counterparts. Health is a vital factor that cannot be ignored and it should be borne in mind that health matters a lot to get success and happiness in all aspects of life as well. Moreover, our concentration, focus, and memory also depend a lot on our health. So, we should remember that our day should start with physical exercise and fitness regimes. Sandeep Sir’s Doon Defence Academy is one such institute that gives equal importance to physical fitness along with that of other aspects of one’s personality.

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