Live Counselling Session - Doon Defence Academy
Admissions Open - 2025-26
Online Registration Form
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लाइव करूंगा आपकी शंकाओं का समाधान : संदीप गुप्ता  ?CLICK HERE LIVE COUNSELLING – 18 MAY ?

देहरादून। दून डिफेंस एकेडमी के संस्थापक व निदेशक संदीप गुप्ता ने कहा कि सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से आपकी सभी शंकाओं का मैं लाइव समाधान करूंगा। उन्होंने कहा कि ये मेरा संदेश खासतौर पर उन छात्रों और अभिभावकों के लिए है जो मुझसे सीधे जुड़कर बात करना चाहते हैं। जब छात्र व अभिभावक फ़ोन, वेबसाइड या सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से जानकारी लेते हैं, तो हो सकता है उनके कुछ सवाल हों, जिनके जवाब वे चाहते हैं या आप समझ नहीं पा रहे हैं कि आप सही जगह बात कर रहे हैं या नहीं। नए एकेडमिक सेशन से पहले उसके लिए मैं जल्द लाइव कॉउन्सिलिंग सेशन लेकर आ रहा हूं, वह चाहे डीडीए का फेसबुक पेज हो, यूट्यूब चैनल या ज़ूम मीटिंग के माध्यम से आपकी शंकाओं का लाइव समाधान करूंगा। मैं पुरे तय शेडूल के साथ जल्द लाइव आपके बीच रहूंगा, जिसमें हमारा फीस स्ट्रक्टर, स्टडी मेटेरियल, फेकल्टी, स्टाफ, कंप्यूटर लैब, इंफ़्रास्ट्रक्टर, एसएसबी ग्राउंड, फेसिलिटी क्या है और सबसे बड़ी बात हमारा रिजल्ट क्या है, इन सबके बारे में मैं आपको बताने वाला हूं।



In the forthcoming academic session of 2023, Sandeep Sir has introduced a new feature to be able to make himself more accessible to students. The Director Mr. Sandeep Gupta has introduced live counseling sessions for the students and parents on Youtube Channel.

During the coming month of March 2023, the Live counseling sessions will be hosted by Mr. Sandeep Gupta on the 4TH, 6TH, 11TH, 15TH, 18TH, 22ND, 25TH, and 28TH and the timings are 12.30 on Saturday (4th March 2023). On weekends, the live sessions will be conducted at 12.30 noon and on weekdays, the live sessions will be conducted at 3.30 pm in the afternoon. The students can also get their doubts dispelled and their problems solved. The contact information is given on the brochure for the students to get all details regarding whom they need to contact. For the tube Channel to be accessed, the students should have the Youtube application downloaded on their devices including phones and tablets, or laptops. They can also normally view the live session on various social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many others applications.

If they subscribe to Youtube, they will be getting notifications regarding any video or anything posted by Doon Defence Academy. If in case, the live session is not anchored by the Director Mr.Sandeep Gupta, the online session will be taken by Mr. Umesh Kuniyal. The students can also ask any question or get any of their doubts dispelled by calling the given numbers. The live sessions will create direct communication between the management and the students who wish to avail themselves of this training. ?CLICK HERE LIVE COUNSELLING – 18 MAY ?

Why Us:

Because DDA has given more than 12000 selections in last 18 years.

Established in 2005 by Submariner – Indian Navy (Retd.), Mr. Sandeep Gupta, DDA is the top most NDA Coaching Institute, SSB-Interview, recruitments in Indian Armed Forces, Merchant Navy, and Foundation Courses in India.
♦ DDA has Smart Classrooms which are fully air-conditioned.
♦ Best faculty
♦ Best Study Material
♦ Best Infrastructure
♦ Biggest Obstacle Ground has the latest equipment.
Free SSB – Interview Coaching
♦ Affordable fees and availability of fee concession for various to those DDA Students who are children of Service men and ex-Service men.
♦ Highly qualified and experienced faculty offers a practical and systematic approach with the aid of the latest and Modern Technology to DDA students in written and SSB-Interview processes.
♦ Special emphasis is laid on Physical Fitness with proper grounds and other facilities for sports.
♦ DDA is very strict about discipline and one needs to take care that the students complete the work assigned to them on time. Attendance is taken on Biomatrix machines. We ensure the progress of the students by taking the weekly tests and also instilling in them officer-like qualities to get result-oriented academic progress.
♦ DDA has a large number of outdoor activities including frequent visits to the Indian Military Academy- IMA, National Defence Academy – NDA, Marine training institutes, cross country, debate competitions, quiz competitions, blood donation camps, and competitions related to sports and games. This gives tremendous confidence and exposure to our students.
♦ DDA provides quality-based interactive classes conducted by eminent faculties and great personal attention under the supervision of its Director – Sandeep Sir.
♦ Weekly unit tests/full-length tests as per the latest examination pattern.
♦ Physical training under the supervision of retired Army instructors is held regularly as per the required standard of the Indian Armed forces.
♦ Medical care and library facility.
♦ Free Spoken English, Computer, and Personality Development classes.
♦ Free Online Test Practice, DDA has two modern Computer labs.
♦ Free SSB-Interview Coaching for DDA Students.
♦ In addition to the above facilities, a large number of extra and Co-curricular activities such as debates, declamations, quiz competitions, group discussion, group planning, sports & games like Cricket, Football, Volley Ball and Basket Ball are also a part of the Foundation Course and DDA has its own Cricket Practice Ground. Social work is done through various campaigns held regularly throughout the year.
♦ Medium of instructions Hindi/English both.
♦ Free study material, bag, T-shirts, cap, etc.
♦ Special attention to getting call letters and merit lists.
♦ All Recruitment forms will be given/filled by the Academy only.
♦ Good Hostel facilities will be arranged by the Academy.
More than 12000 selections in the last 18 years.
Note: Selection for the Indian Armed Forces and Merchant Navy is absolutely free and fair. No money is required to be paid to any agency/person for selection. Please do not mislead by anyone.

Man at Work - Sandeep Sir







