Priya Got Recommended For NDA 153 Course From 5AFSB Guwahati Shared Her Experience With DDA Diamonds

PRIYA MISHRA A DDA DIAMOND GOT RECOMMENDED FOR NDA 153 COURSE FROM 5 AFSB GUWAHATI CONGRATULATIONS PRIYA MISHRA YOU HAVE MADE SANDEEP SIR’S DDA PROUD Priya Mishra a DDA diamond got recommended for NDA 153 Course from SSB Guwahati. Priya a DDA diamond joined Sandeep Sir’s DDA to prepare for her NDA written exam and SSB interview. Initially, she did not get success but her persistent and industrious efforts made her get a good score in her Mock tests and Weekly tests conducted from time to time at Sandeep Sir’s DDA. Her strong will and resolution made her get the success she deserved. She got recommended from 5AFSB Guwahati and she is looking forward to her basic and professional training in her field. Sandeep Sir- the DDA Director and DDA fraternity congratulated her on her grand success and inspired her a lot. It was because of the motivation of the teachers that she could do what was unthinkable for many. After the basic and professional training, Priya Mishra will be invited to get the cash prize of 10,000 as is the tradition of Sandeep Sir’s DDA. JAI HIND

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